O pacote de giz colorido, conversa e caminhada


Aprendendo Linhas

Learning lines Portuguese .wav

Pedras de Giz

Chalk stones Portuguese.wav

Desafio da corda bamba

Tightrope challenge.wav

Detetive de Cores

Colour detective Portuguese.wav

Esfregando com Giz

Chalk rubbing.wav

Jogos de arremesso

Throwing game Portuguese.wav

Detective das formas

Shape detective Portuguese.wav

Retratos de Giz

Chalk portrait Portuguese.wav

Jogo de correspondência de contorno

Shape matching game Portuguese.wav

Terminou e limpou

Cleaning up Portuguese.wav

Tightrope Challenge and Throwing Games illustrations by Julia Woolf from the book Calm Down, Zebra, written by Lou Kuenzier, published and kindly provided by Faber. The remaining illustrations were produced by Camilla Hiscock (camilladoesdesign@gmail.com)

Did you enjoy the activities? Is there anything we can improve?

We would love to hear about your thoughts and experiences using these activities with your child, especially what went well and what could have been better.

Your feedback will be greatly appreciated by our team!

We hope to use your feedback to improve these activities and help us to apply for funding to provide families with fun and useful activity packs across the UK.

Tell us about your experience HERE

Esta investigación está financiada por el Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) IAA Award: 2105-KICK-673