
Nauka linii
Nauka linii

Kamienie kredowe
Kamienie kredowe

Wyzwanie na linie
Wyzwanie na linie

Detektyw kolorów
Detektyw kolorów

Pocieranie kredą
Pocieranie kredą

Gry w rzucanie
Gry w rzucanie

Detektyw kształtów
Detektyw kształtów

Kredowe Portrety
Kredowe Portrety

Gra w dopasowywanie
Gra w dopasowywanie

Umyć i iść
Umyć i iść

Did you enjoy the activities? Is there anything we can improve?
Did you enjoy the activities? Is there anything we can improve?
We would love to hear about your thoughts and experiences using these activities with your child, especially what went well and what could have been better.
Your feedback will be greatly appreciated by our team!
We hope to use your feedback to improve these activities and help us to apply for funding to provide families with fun and useful activity packs across the UK.
Tell us about your experience HERE
To badanie jest finansowane przez Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) IAA Award: 2105-KICK-673